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CSV Import

How to Import a CSV into S3

This article delves into the nuances of importing CSV files into S3, exploring methods ranging from manual uploads for smaller datasets to automated pipelines for larger, more dynamic datasets.

Andrew Luo

Andrew is the co-founder & CTO at OneSchema.

January 27, 2025

S3 is a fantastic object storage solution for storing just about anything. It's a platform that excels in handling a wide range of data types, from simple documents to complex datasets. This article will specifically delve into the nuances of importing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files into S3, an essential task for data analysts, engineers, and businesses that rely on large-scale data processing.

First, we will visit factors to consider when selecting a method for importing your CSV files into S3. Then, we'll explore the most common and effective ways to import your CSV files into S3. This will include methods ranging from manual uploads for smaller datasets to automated pipelines for larger, more dynamic datasets.


When selecting a method to upload CSV files to Amazon S3, you should consider various aspects of your data and operational environment. Here's a streamlined guide to aid your decision-making:

  1. Data Volume: Assess whether your data is sizable or relatively small, as this influences the choice of an upload method.
  2. Upload Frequency and Automation: Determine the regularity of your uploads and if you need automation, like scheduled tasks.
  3. Integration with Existing AWS Tools: If you're already using AWS SDK or Lambda functions, opt for a method that complements these tools.
  4. Data Transformation Requirements: Identify if your CSV data requires transformation before storage and choose a method that supports these processes.
  5. Data Source Location: Consider whether your data is on-premises or in the cloud, affecting upload speed and efficiency.
  6. Latency Needs: Understand your requirements for data availability and select a method that offers the right speed-efficiency balance.
  7. Scalability for Variable Workloads: If your upload needs fluctuate, ensure the method can scale accordingly.
  8. Team’s Technical Skills: Match the complexity of the solution with your team’s technical expertise for an optimal choice.

Evaluating these factors will help you identify the most fitting method for your specific CSV upload needs to S3, ensuring an efficient and effective process.


AWS Management Console

Use Case

A straightforward approach that involves manually uploading your CSV file using the S3 dashboard, this method is ideal for occasional, small-scale uploads. The S3 console only supports uploads of up to 160GB. To upload a larger file, use the AWS command line, SDKs, or S3 REST API. With all other methods, the max upload size jumps to 5 TB.

How-To Guide

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
  2. In the left navigation pane, select "Buckets".
  3. From the Buckets list, choose the name of the bucket where you want to upload your files or folders.
  4. Click on "Upload".
  5. In the Upload window, either drag and drop files and folders or choose "Add file" or "Add folder" to select the files or folders you want to upload, then click "Open".
  6. Optionally, under "Destination", you can enable "Bucket Versioning", where Amazon S3 maintains a history of each object's versions over time.
  7. To upload the selected files and folders without configuring additional options, click "Upload" at the bottom of the page.


Use Case

This approach is best if you have files on a local machine or server, and you’d like to send them via CLI. 

How-To Guide

  1. Configure AWS CLI:some text
    1. Run ```aws configure``` in your terminal.
  2. Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format as prompted.
  3. Locate Your CSV File: Identify the CSV file you want to upload.
  4. Choose or Create an S3 Bucket:some text
    1. If you already have a bucket, note down its name.
    2. If not, create one using: aws s3 mb s3://your-bucket-name.
  5. Use the following command to upload your CSV file to the chosen bucket:some text
    1. ```aws s3 cp path/to/your/file.csv s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/```
    2. Replace path/to/your/file.csv with the path to your CSV file and your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/ with your bucket name and desired path within the bucket.
  6. To verify the upload, you can list the contents of the bucket or folder:some text
    1. ```aws s3 ls s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/```
    2. Replace your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/ with your bucket and folder path to see the uploaded file.


Use Case

Utilize AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) for various programming languages (Python, Java, .NET, etc.) to programmatically upload files. This is useful for integrating S3 uploads into your application or scripts.

Generic How-To Guide

  1. Install AWS SDK: Depending on your programming language, install the appropriate AWS SDK. For example, in JS, you would install aws-sdk.
  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Ensure your AWS credentials are configured. This can be done in several ways, such as using environment variables, shared credentials file, or IAM roles if running on AWS services like EC2.
  3. Initialize SDK: In your code, initialize the AWS SDK and create a client for S3.
  4. Upload File: Use the appropriate method provided by the SDK to upload the file to S3. This typically involves specifying the bucket name, object key (file name in S3), and the file path.

JavaScript How-To Guide


  1. Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your machine.
  2. AWS Account: Have an AWS account and access to an S3 bucket.


  1. Install AWS SDK for JavaScriptsome text
    1. Install the AWS SDK in your Node.js project. If you don't have a project, create a new directory and initialize a new Node.js project with npm init. Then install the AWS SDK: ```npm install aws-sdk```
  2. Configure AWS Credentialssome text
    1. You need to configure your AWS credentials. This can be done in several ways:some text
      1. Environment Variables: Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment variables.
      2. AWS Credentials File: Configure your credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file.
      3. IAM Role: If you are running this on an AWS service (like EC2, Lambda), you can use IAM roles.
  3. Write the JavaScript Codesome text
    1. Create a JavaScript file (e.g., uploadToS3.js) and write the following code:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');

// Configure AWS SDK
AWS.config.update({ region: 'your-region' }); // Replace 'your-region' with your region

// Create S3 service object
const s3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });

// Path to your CSV file
const filePath = './path/to/your/file.csv'; // Replace with your file path

// Read content from file
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);

// Setting up S3 upload parameters
const params = {
    Bucket: 'your-bucket-name', // Replace with your bucket name
    Key: 'your-object-key.csv', // Replace with the destination path and file name in S3
    Body: fileContent

// Uploading files to the bucket
s3.upload(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log(`File uploaded successfully. ${data.Location}`);

Replace path/to/your/file.csv, your-region, your-bucket-name, and your-object-key.csv with your file path, AWS region, S3 bucket name, and desired S3 object key, respectively.

  1. Run Your Script

Run the script using Node.js:

node uploadToS3.js


Use Case

The AWS S3 API provides a way to interact with Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) using HTTP requests. This method allows controlled, temporary access to S3 buckets without sharing AWS credentials. Below, we’ll cover two ways to interact with the S3 API.

How-To Guide

Method 1: Generate Presigned URL: Generate a presigned URL using AWS SDK.

Purpose: Enables secure, temporary access for uploading a file to a specific location in your S3 bucket. 

  1. Use AWS SDK in your server-side application to create a presigned URL.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const params = {
    Bucket: 'your-bucket',
    Key: 'your-object-key',
    Expires: 60 // time in seconds
const presignedUrl = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
  1. Send the generated presigned URL to the client, who can then upload the file directly to S3, typically via an HTTP PUT request.

Method 2: HTTP POST: Directly post your file to S3 using an HTTP POST request.

  1. Create a POST Policy that specifies the conditions for the upload (e.g., bucket name, key name, file size limits). This policy is included as hidden form fields in an HTML form.
  2. Create an HTML form to upload the form. When the user submits the form, make a post request directly to your S3 url.

AWS Lambda

Using AWS Lambda, you can automate the process of uploading files to S3 in response to certain events. This is also a useful pattern if processing and transformations are required after an initial upload to S3.

How-To Guide:

  1. The function is triggered by an event. For example, when a file gets uploaded to S3.
  2. Write a Lambda function that reads the CSV file from the S3 bucket.some text
    1. Ensure your Lambda function has the necessary IAM permissions to read from the source S3 bucket and write to the destination S3 bucket.
  3. Package any dependencies (like aws-sdk, although it's usually included in the Lambda environment by default) and deploy your Lambda function.
  4. Set up the Lambda trigger to listen to the S3 bucket 
  5. Add logic to transform or process the data in the CSV file if needed.
  6. Upload or Further Process: The processed file is then uploaded to a different S3 bucket or further processed as per your requirements.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    try {
        // Get bucket name and file key from the event
        const bucket = event.Records[0];
        const key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' '));

        // Read the CSV file from S3
        const params = {
            Bucket: bucket,
            Key: key,
        const data = await s3.getObject(params).promise();
        const fileContent = data.Body.toString('utf-8');

        // Process the CSV file content
        // Add your logic here, for example, transforming the CSV data

        // After processing, upload the file to another S3 bucket or perform other actions
        // Example: Upload to a different S3 bucket
        const destinationParams = {
            Bucket: 'your-destination-bucket', // Replace with your destination bucket
            Key: `processed-${key}`,
            Body: fileContent, // This would be the processed content
        await s3.putObject(destinationParams).promise();

        console.log(`File processed and uploaded successfully: ${key}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error processing file: ${error}`);
        throw error;

Amazon SFTP

Set up an SFTP server using AWS Transfer for SFTP and upload files directly to your S3 buckets.

Setting Up AWS Transfer for SFTP:

  1. Create an SFTP Server: In the AWS Management Console, go to AWS Transfer Family and create a new SFTP server.
  2. Configure SFTP Server to Use S3: Assign an IAM role to your SFTP server that has the necessary permissions to access your S3 bucket. Specify the S3 bucket to be used for storing the files.
  3. User Setup: Create users for the SFTP server and assign them access to specific directories within your S3 bucket.
  4. Connect and Transfer: Use any standard SFTP client (like FileZilla, WinSCP) to connect to the SFTP server using the provided endpoint and user credentials. Transfer files between your local system and the S3 bucket via this SFTP interface.

Bonus Tip

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration

S3 Transfer Acceleration optimizes the transfer speeds to S3.

How to Use:

  1. Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on your bucket via the AWS Management Console.
  2. Use the accelerated endpoint URL provided by AWS. For example, if your bucket name is mybucket, your accelerated endpoint URL will be
  3. Use your preferred method (like AWS SDKs or AWS CLI) to upload the file, but with the accelerated endpoint.


That wraps up our discussion of different ways you can upload your CSVs to S3. If you’re looking for a comprehensive CSV import solution, consider OneSchema. OneSchema provides a powerful CSV parsing and importing tool that seamlessly integrates with your front-end framework of choice.

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CSV Import
April 29, 2024

How to Import a CSV into S3

Andrew Luo
Andrew is the co-founder & CEO at OneSchema.
Import CSV data 10x faster
Stop manually fixing your customer’s CSVs. Delight them with a guided CSV import experience embedded directly in your product.

S3 is a fantastic object storage solution for storing just about anything. It's a platform that excels in handling a wide range of data types, from simple documents to complex datasets. This article will specifically delve into the nuances of importing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files into S3, an essential task for data analysts, engineers, and businesses that rely on large-scale data processing.

First, we will visit factors to consider when selecting a method for importing your CSV files into S3. Then, we'll explore the most common and effective ways to import your CSV files into S3. This will include methods ranging from manual uploads for smaller datasets to automated pipelines for larger, more dynamic datasets.


When selecting a method to upload CSV files to Amazon S3, you should consider various aspects of your data and operational environment. Here's a streamlined guide to aid your decision-making:

  1. Data Volume: Assess whether your data is sizable or relatively small, as this influences the choice of an upload method.
  2. Upload Frequency and Automation: Determine the regularity of your uploads and if you need automation, like scheduled tasks.
  3. Integration with Existing AWS Tools: If you're already using AWS SDK or Lambda functions, opt for a method that complements these tools.
  4. Data Transformation Requirements: Identify if your CSV data requires transformation before storage and choose a method that supports these processes.
  5. Data Source Location: Consider whether your data is on-premises or in the cloud, affecting upload speed and efficiency.
  6. Latency Needs: Understand your requirements for data availability and select a method that offers the right speed-efficiency balance.
  7. Scalability for Variable Workloads: If your upload needs fluctuate, ensure the method can scale accordingly.
  8. Team’s Technical Skills: Match the complexity of the solution with your team’s technical expertise for an optimal choice.

Evaluating these factors will help you identify the most fitting method for your specific CSV upload needs to S3, ensuring an efficient and effective process.


AWS Management Console

Use Case

A straightforward approach that involves manually uploading your CSV file using the S3 dashboard, this method is ideal for occasional, small-scale uploads. The S3 console only supports uploads of up to 160GB. To upload a larger file, use the AWS command line, SDKs, or S3 REST API. With all other methods, the max upload size jumps to 5 TB.

How-To Guide

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
  2. In the left navigation pane, select "Buckets".
  3. From the Buckets list, choose the name of the bucket where you want to upload your files or folders.
  4. Click on "Upload".
  5. In the Upload window, either drag and drop files and folders or choose "Add file" or "Add folder" to select the files or folders you want to upload, then click "Open".
  6. Optionally, under "Destination", you can enable "Bucket Versioning", where Amazon S3 maintains a history of each object's versions over time.
  7. To upload the selected files and folders without configuring additional options, click "Upload" at the bottom of the page.


Use Case

This approach is best if you have files on a local machine or server, and you’d like to send them via CLI. 

How-To Guide

  1. Configure AWS CLI:some text
    1. Run ```aws configure``` in your terminal.
  2. Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format as prompted.
  3. Locate Your CSV File: Identify the CSV file you want to upload.
  4. Choose or Create an S3 Bucket:some text
    1. If you already have a bucket, note down its name.
    2. If not, create one using: aws s3 mb s3://your-bucket-name.
  5. Use the following command to upload your CSV file to the chosen bucket:some text
    1. ```aws s3 cp path/to/your/file.csv s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/```
    2. Replace path/to/your/file.csv with the path to your CSV file and your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/ with your bucket name and desired path within the bucket.
  6. To verify the upload, you can list the contents of the bucket or folder:some text
    1. ```aws s3 ls s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/```
    2. Replace your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/ with your bucket and folder path to see the uploaded file.


Use Case

Utilize AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) for various programming languages (Python, Java, .NET, etc.) to programmatically upload files. This is useful for integrating S3 uploads into your application or scripts.

Generic How-To Guide

  1. Install AWS SDK: Depending on your programming language, install the appropriate AWS SDK. For example, in JS, you would install aws-sdk.
  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Ensure your AWS credentials are configured. This can be done in several ways, such as using environment variables, shared credentials file, or IAM roles if running on AWS services like EC2.
  3. Initialize SDK: In your code, initialize the AWS SDK and create a client for S3.
  4. Upload File: Use the appropriate method provided by the SDK to upload the file to S3. This typically involves specifying the bucket name, object key (file name in S3), and the file path.

JavaScript How-To Guide


  1. Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your machine.
  2. AWS Account: Have an AWS account and access to an S3 bucket.


  1. Install AWS SDK for JavaScriptsome text
    1. Install the AWS SDK in your Node.js project. If you don't have a project, create a new directory and initialize a new Node.js project with npm init. Then install the AWS SDK: ```npm install aws-sdk```
  2. Configure AWS Credentialssome text
    1. You need to configure your AWS credentials. This can be done in several ways:some text
      1. Environment Variables: Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment variables.
      2. AWS Credentials File: Configure your credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file.
      3. IAM Role: If you are running this on an AWS service (like EC2, Lambda), you can use IAM roles.
  3. Write the JavaScript Codesome text
    1. Create a JavaScript file (e.g., uploadToS3.js) and write the following code:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');

// Configure AWS SDK
AWS.config.update({ region: 'your-region' }); // Replace 'your-region' with your region

// Create S3 service object
const s3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });

// Path to your CSV file
const filePath = './path/to/your/file.csv'; // Replace with your file path

// Read content from file
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);

// Setting up S3 upload parameters
const params = {
    Bucket: 'your-bucket-name', // Replace with your bucket name
    Key: 'your-object-key.csv', // Replace with the destination path and file name in S3
    Body: fileContent

// Uploading files to the bucket
s3.upload(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log(`File uploaded successfully. ${data.Location}`);

Replace path/to/your/file.csv, your-region, your-bucket-name, and your-object-key.csv with your file path, AWS region, S3 bucket name, and desired S3 object key, respectively.

  1. Run Your Script

Run the script using Node.js:

node uploadToS3.js


Use Case

The AWS S3 API provides a way to interact with Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) using HTTP requests. This method allows controlled, temporary access to S3 buckets without sharing AWS credentials. Below, we’ll cover two ways to interact with the S3 API.

How-To Guide

Method 1: Generate Presigned URL: Generate a presigned URL using AWS SDK.

Purpose: Enables secure, temporary access for uploading a file to a specific location in your S3 bucket. 

  1. Use AWS SDK in your server-side application to create a presigned URL.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const params = {
    Bucket: 'your-bucket',
    Key: 'your-object-key',
    Expires: 60 // time in seconds
const presignedUrl = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
  1. Send the generated presigned URL to the client, who can then upload the file directly to S3, typically via an HTTP PUT request.

Method 2: HTTP POST: Directly post your file to S3 using an HTTP POST request.

  1. Create a POST Policy that specifies the conditions for the upload (e.g., bucket name, key name, file size limits). This policy is included as hidden form fields in an HTML form.
  2. Create an HTML form to upload the form. When the user submits the form, make a post request directly to your S3 url.

AWS Lambda

Using AWS Lambda, you can automate the process of uploading files to S3 in response to certain events. This is also a useful pattern if processing and transformations are required after an initial upload to S3.

How-To Guide:

  1. The function is triggered by an event. For example, when a file gets uploaded to S3.
  2. Write a Lambda function that reads the CSV file from the S3 bucket.some text
    1. Ensure your Lambda function has the necessary IAM permissions to read from the source S3 bucket and write to the destination S3 bucket.
  3. Package any dependencies (like aws-sdk, although it's usually included in the Lambda environment by default) and deploy your Lambda function.
  4. Set up the Lambda trigger to listen to the S3 bucket 
  5. Add logic to transform or process the data in the CSV file if needed.
  6. Upload or Further Process: The processed file is then uploaded to a different S3 bucket or further processed as per your requirements.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    try {
        // Get bucket name and file key from the event
        const bucket = event.Records[0];
        const key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' '));

        // Read the CSV file from S3
        const params = {
            Bucket: bucket,
            Key: key,
        const data = await s3.getObject(params).promise();
        const fileContent = data.Body.toString('utf-8');

        // Process the CSV file content
        // Add your logic here, for example, transforming the CSV data

        // After processing, upload the file to another S3 bucket or perform other actions
        // Example: Upload to a different S3 bucket
        const destinationParams = {
            Bucket: 'your-destination-bucket', // Replace with your destination bucket
            Key: `processed-${key}`,
            Body: fileContent, // This would be the processed content
        await s3.putObject(destinationParams).promise();

        console.log(`File processed and uploaded successfully: ${key}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error processing file: ${error}`);
        throw error;

Amazon SFTP

Set up an SFTP server using AWS Transfer for SFTP and upload files directly to your S3 buckets.

Setting Up AWS Transfer for SFTP:

  1. Create an SFTP Server: In the AWS Management Console, go to AWS Transfer Family and create a new SFTP server.
  2. Configure SFTP Server to Use S3: Assign an IAM role to your SFTP server that has the necessary permissions to access your S3 bucket. Specify the S3 bucket to be used for storing the files.
  3. User Setup: Create users for the SFTP server and assign them access to specific directories within your S3 bucket.
  4. Connect and Transfer: Use any standard SFTP client (like FileZilla, WinSCP) to connect to the SFTP server using the provided endpoint and user credentials. Transfer files between your local system and the S3 bucket via this SFTP interface.

Bonus Tip

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration

S3 Transfer Acceleration optimizes the transfer speeds to S3.

How to Use:

  1. Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on your bucket via the AWS Management Console.
  2. Use the accelerated endpoint URL provided by AWS. For example, if your bucket name is mybucket, your accelerated endpoint URL will be
  3. Use your preferred method (like AWS SDKs or AWS CLI) to upload the file, but with the accelerated endpoint.


That wraps up our discussion of different ways you can upload your CSVs to S3. If you’re looking for a comprehensive CSV import solution, consider OneSchema. OneSchema provides a powerful CSV parsing and importing tool that seamlessly integrates with your front-end framework of choice.

S3 is a fantastic object storage solution for storing just about anything. It's a platform that excels in handling a wide range of data types, from simple documents to complex datasets. This article will specifically delve into the nuances of importing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files into S3, an essential task for data analysts, engineers, and businesses that rely on large-scale data processing.

First, we will visit factors to consider when selecting a method for importing your CSV files into S3. Then, we'll explore the most common and effective ways to import your CSV files into S3. This will include methods ranging from manual uploads for smaller datasets to automated pipelines for larger, more dynamic datasets.


When selecting a method to upload CSV files to Amazon S3, you should consider various aspects of your data and operational environment. Here's a streamlined guide to aid your decision-making:

  1. Data Volume: Assess whether your data is sizable or relatively small, as this influences the choice of an upload method.
  2. Upload Frequency and Automation: Determine the regularity of your uploads and if you need automation, like scheduled tasks.
  3. Integration with Existing AWS Tools: If you're already using AWS SDK or Lambda functions, opt for a method that complements these tools.
  4. Data Transformation Requirements: Identify if your CSV data requires transformation before storage and choose a method that supports these processes.
  5. Data Source Location: Consider whether your data is on-premises or in the cloud, affecting upload speed and efficiency.
  6. Latency Needs: Understand your requirements for data availability and select a method that offers the right speed-efficiency balance.
  7. Scalability for Variable Workloads: If your upload needs fluctuate, ensure the method can scale accordingly.
  8. Team’s Technical Skills: Match the complexity of the solution with your team’s technical expertise for an optimal choice.

Evaluating these factors will help you identify the most fitting method for your specific CSV upload needs to S3, ensuring an efficient and effective process.


AWS Management Console

Use Case

A straightforward approach that involves manually uploading your CSV file using the S3 dashboard, this method is ideal for occasional, small-scale uploads. The S3 console only supports uploads of up to 160GB. To upload a larger file, use the AWS command line, SDKs, or S3 REST API. With all other methods, the max upload size jumps to 5 TB.

How-To Guide

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
  2. In the left navigation pane, select "Buckets".
  3. From the Buckets list, choose the name of the bucket where you want to upload your files or folders.
  4. Click on "Upload".
  5. In the Upload window, either drag and drop files and folders or choose "Add file" or "Add folder" to select the files or folders you want to upload, then click "Open".
  6. Optionally, under "Destination", you can enable "Bucket Versioning", where Amazon S3 maintains a history of each object's versions over time.
  7. To upload the selected files and folders without configuring additional options, click "Upload" at the bottom of the page.


Use Case

This approach is best if you have files on a local machine or server, and you’d like to send them via CLI. 

How-To Guide

  1. Configure AWS CLI:some text
    1. Run ```aws configure``` in your terminal.
  2. Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format as prompted.
  3. Locate Your CSV File: Identify the CSV file you want to upload.
  4. Choose or Create an S3 Bucket:some text
    1. If you already have a bucket, note down its name.
    2. If not, create one using: aws s3 mb s3://your-bucket-name.
  5. Use the following command to upload your CSV file to the chosen bucket:some text
    1. ```aws s3 cp path/to/your/file.csv s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/```
    2. Replace path/to/your/file.csv with the path to your CSV file and your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/ with your bucket name and desired path within the bucket.
  6. To verify the upload, you can list the contents of the bucket or folder:some text
    1. ```aws s3 ls s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/```
    2. Replace your-bucket-name/path/in/bucket/ with your bucket and folder path to see the uploaded file.


Use Case

Utilize AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) for various programming languages (Python, Java, .NET, etc.) to programmatically upload files. This is useful for integrating S3 uploads into your application or scripts.

Generic How-To Guide

  1. Install AWS SDK: Depending on your programming language, install the appropriate AWS SDK. For example, in JS, you would install aws-sdk.
  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Ensure your AWS credentials are configured. This can be done in several ways, such as using environment variables, shared credentials file, or IAM roles if running on AWS services like EC2.
  3. Initialize SDK: In your code, initialize the AWS SDK and create a client for S3.
  4. Upload File: Use the appropriate method provided by the SDK to upload the file to S3. This typically involves specifying the bucket name, object key (file name in S3), and the file path.

JavaScript How-To Guide


  1. Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your machine.
  2. AWS Account: Have an AWS account and access to an S3 bucket.


  1. Install AWS SDK for JavaScriptsome text
    1. Install the AWS SDK in your Node.js project. If you don't have a project, create a new directory and initialize a new Node.js project with npm init. Then install the AWS SDK: ```npm install aws-sdk```
  2. Configure AWS Credentialssome text
    1. You need to configure your AWS credentials. This can be done in several ways:some text
      1. Environment Variables: Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment variables.
      2. AWS Credentials File: Configure your credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file.
      3. IAM Role: If you are running this on an AWS service (like EC2, Lambda), you can use IAM roles.
  3. Write the JavaScript Codesome text
    1. Create a JavaScript file (e.g., uploadToS3.js) and write the following code:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');

// Configure AWS SDK
AWS.config.update({ region: 'your-region' }); // Replace 'your-region' with your region

// Create S3 service object
const s3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });

// Path to your CSV file
const filePath = './path/to/your/file.csv'; // Replace with your file path

// Read content from file
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);

// Setting up S3 upload parameters
const params = {
    Bucket: 'your-bucket-name', // Replace with your bucket name
    Key: 'your-object-key.csv', // Replace with the destination path and file name in S3
    Body: fileContent

// Uploading files to the bucket
s3.upload(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log(`File uploaded successfully. ${data.Location}`);

Replace path/to/your/file.csv, your-region, your-bucket-name, and your-object-key.csv with your file path, AWS region, S3 bucket name, and desired S3 object key, respectively.

  1. Run Your Script

Run the script using Node.js:

node uploadToS3.js


Use Case

The AWS S3 API provides a way to interact with Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) using HTTP requests. This method allows controlled, temporary access to S3 buckets without sharing AWS credentials. Below, we’ll cover two ways to interact with the S3 API.

How-To Guide

Method 1: Generate Presigned URL: Generate a presigned URL using AWS SDK.

Purpose: Enables secure, temporary access for uploading a file to a specific location in your S3 bucket. 

  1. Use AWS SDK in your server-side application to create a presigned URL.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const params = {
    Bucket: 'your-bucket',
    Key: 'your-object-key',
    Expires: 60 // time in seconds
const presignedUrl = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
  1. Send the generated presigned URL to the client, who can then upload the file directly to S3, typically via an HTTP PUT request.

Method 2: HTTP POST: Directly post your file to S3 using an HTTP POST request.

  1. Create a POST Policy that specifies the conditions for the upload (e.g., bucket name, key name, file size limits). This policy is included as hidden form fields in an HTML form.
  2. Create an HTML form to upload the form. When the user submits the form, make a post request directly to your S3 url.

AWS Lambda

Using AWS Lambda, you can automate the process of uploading files to S3 in response to certain events. This is also a useful pattern if processing and transformations are required after an initial upload to S3.

How-To Guide:

  1. The function is triggered by an event. For example, when a file gets uploaded to S3.
  2. Write a Lambda function that reads the CSV file from the S3 bucket.some text
    1. Ensure your Lambda function has the necessary IAM permissions to read from the source S3 bucket and write to the destination S3 bucket.
  3. Package any dependencies (like aws-sdk, although it's usually included in the Lambda environment by default) and deploy your Lambda function.
  4. Set up the Lambda trigger to listen to the S3 bucket 
  5. Add logic to transform or process the data in the CSV file if needed.
  6. Upload or Further Process: The processed file is then uploaded to a different S3 bucket or further processed as per your requirements.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    try {
        // Get bucket name and file key from the event
        const bucket = event.Records[0];
        const key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' '));

        // Read the CSV file from S3
        const params = {
            Bucket: bucket,
            Key: key,
        const data = await s3.getObject(params).promise();
        const fileContent = data.Body.toString('utf-8');

        // Process the CSV file content
        // Add your logic here, for example, transforming the CSV data

        // After processing, upload the file to another S3 bucket or perform other actions
        // Example: Upload to a different S3 bucket
        const destinationParams = {
            Bucket: 'your-destination-bucket', // Replace with your destination bucket
            Key: `processed-${key}`,
            Body: fileContent, // This would be the processed content
        await s3.putObject(destinationParams).promise();

        console.log(`File processed and uploaded successfully: ${key}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error processing file: ${error}`);
        throw error;

Amazon SFTP

Set up an SFTP server using AWS Transfer for SFTP and upload files directly to your S3 buckets.

Setting Up AWS Transfer for SFTP:

  1. Create an SFTP Server: In the AWS Management Console, go to AWS Transfer Family and create a new SFTP server.
  2. Configure SFTP Server to Use S3: Assign an IAM role to your SFTP server that has the necessary permissions to access your S3 bucket. Specify the S3 bucket to be used for storing the files.
  3. User Setup: Create users for the SFTP server and assign them access to specific directories within your S3 bucket.
  4. Connect and Transfer: Use any standard SFTP client (like FileZilla, WinSCP) to connect to the SFTP server using the provided endpoint and user credentials. Transfer files between your local system and the S3 bucket via this SFTP interface.

Bonus Tip

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration

S3 Transfer Acceleration optimizes the transfer speeds to S3.

How to Use:

  1. Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on your bucket via the AWS Management Console.
  2. Use the accelerated endpoint URL provided by AWS. For example, if your bucket name is mybucket, your accelerated endpoint URL will be
  3. Use your preferred method (like AWS SDKs or AWS CLI) to upload the file, but with the accelerated endpoint.


That wraps up our discussion of different ways you can upload your CSVs to S3. If you’re looking for a comprehensive CSV import solution, consider OneSchema. OneSchema provides a powerful CSV parsing and importing tool that seamlessly integrates with your front-end framework of choice.